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The Solstice


Each year we experience two major events in the calendar; the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice. These mark an important shift in the energies and what we should be focusing on.

Celebrating the Solstice with a fire festival

Whether you are based in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere will depend on when you experience these celebrations. In the Northern Hemisphere the Winter Solstice falls in December with the Summer Solstice in June, while in the Southern Hemisphere this is reversed.

Here is a little calendar so you can see where the dates fall.

Northern Hemisphere:





21 June

21 December


21 June

22 December


20 June

21 December


21 June

21 December

Southern Hemisphere:





21 December

21 June


22 December

21 June


21 December

20 June


21 December

21 June

As we mentioned, the soltices' mark a time for change, not only in the world around us but within us too. When we align with this cycle, we can make huge changes in our lives, especially regarding manifesting our goals and dreams.

There is a common saying, 'as above, so below. As within, so without.' Which simply means, what is happening in the universe and the world around us, is also happening within us.

When we relate this to the energies between the solstices, it can completely alter the way we understand and work with the energies available to us.

Tree depicting the four seasons

Considering the time between the Winter Solstice and Summer Solstice, the days are becoming longer, the sun is returning, the heat is returning, there is rebirth and growth all around. The work during these months reaps rewards.

On the other hand, the time between the Summer Solstice and the Winter Solstice, the days are getting shorter, the darkness is getting longer, the leaves are falling from the trees, animals hibernate, and everything seems to take a break.

These are the cycles we should also try to follow ourselves. In the modern world, it is no secret that we have had our cycles altered to be working and busy all year round. But in history, this would not have been possible, we would have had to follow the cycles of the seasons.

That isn't to say we all must immediately stop and hibernate ourselves during the Autumn and Winter months, rather it is something we can all be conscious of and embrace.

Woman in cosmos

We can use the time between the Summer and Winter Solstice to go within ourselves and to heal anything that is no longer serving us. It is a time for introspection and reflection, shifting blockages and traumas, to create space for manifestation.

Then between the Winter and the Summer Solstice, we can use this time to manifest, work, and create. It is a time for doing the hard work to make your dreams a reality.

If you want to know more, you can read our other blogs:

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