About Us
We're a small, family-run business with a passion for all things sacred. Our journey began 20 years ago when we stumbled across a crystal show, kick-starting Julie and Hannah's journey into the spiritual world.
Julie quickly found her passion in Crystal Healing, and Reiki, going on to become a Reiki Master, whilst constantly expanding her knowledge of crystals, energy healing, hypnotherapy, homeopathy, and aromatherapy.
Meanwhile, Hannah graduated university and ventured into the world of graphic design, before setting up her own design and marketing business, alongside working to complete a Masters Degree.
It was during this time Hannah delved deeper into the spiritual laws and manifesting, before following her guidance and combining her graphic design skills with her spirituality and knowledge of sacred geometry, going on to design and create bespoke grid boards, which we still design and make today.
As the pandemic hit, Hannah began working with several crystal companies setting up an online show to help support them without in-person crystal shows.
This experience helped to further expand her knowledge of crystals, and thanks to the wonderful mentorship from Tiggy at The Natural Healer, Hannah found a passion for astrology, energy healing, working with your guides, meditation, tarot reading, manifestation, and went on to complete her Reiki Level 2.
We then took the leap and opened our stall on the world famous Bury Market, enabling us to meet our wonderful customers in person and share our knowledge with others. Since then, we have gone from strength to strength, expanding our stall, as well as our product range, aiming to become a one-stop-shop for all your spiritual needs.

Helping you to discover your purpose in life, unleashing your inner power to build the life you deserve.​
Educating others on how you can incorporate sacred practices into your everyday life and reap the benefits.​
To shop with us in person, you can find us at Bury Market, 7-8 Wyndham Block, BL9 0BJ, every Wednesday and Friday 9am - 4:30pm, and Saturday 9am - 5pm.​