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Hematite Part Polished Point

Hematite Part Polished Point


Originally referred to as Haematite, this mineral was discovered in 1773. Its name originates from the Greek word ‘haima’, due to the colour of the mineral in powder form. 


Crystalline structure:

Hematite is an iron oxide mineral that forms in masses, tabular, botryoidal, and rhombohedral.

Honey Calcite rates at 3 on the Mohs scale.


Metaphysical Properties:

Hematite works with the Root Chakra, meaning it is an incredible mineral for grounding and guiding. It is said to help root you firmly on Earth, encouraging you to refocus your thoughts and actions into the present moment.

It is great at helping you be in your physical body, which is needed for you to manifest in the present reality. 

It is a great mineral to work with if you are around computers and technology regularly. It is also great for grounding any excess energy into the ground, encouraging you to focus on the task at hand.

If you are working with transformational minerals, such as moldavite, or the like, work with Hematite to balance and ground yourself back into this reality.


Crystal Points:

Crystal points are ideal for helping you keep focused and ‘on point’. They are fantastic to use during meditation or Reiki to help direct the energy in your desired direction.

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